Saturday, October 20, 2012

"You should write a blog"

I hear that quite a bit.  It used to be "you should write a book".

I always want to answer, "About what?"

It's one thing to actually be writing an email or letter to someone you know, about a specific thing you want to tell them.  It's another thing to be facing a blank page and the vastness of the internet.

So, anyway, I'll try.  To start, I've already changed the blog.  I'm no longer writing as "June" (one whole post!), as that was supposed to be a joint effort of "Ruby and June's Guide to Bowling".

At this point, the entire content of the guide consists of one thing:  Uh..we don't bowl anymore.  Go away.

The fall back persona is "Sparky".  Fifty-something fat lady with a short brown dog, a cat with an attitude and an exceptionally understanding husband.

Yeah, "Sparky".  You gotta problem with that?

Monday, January 23, 2012


Well, after years of saying "we should start a blog", I finally did.

I have no idea what to do next.
